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The Benefits of Topical Magnesium Oil + Homemade Magnesium Oil Spray

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Magnesium has many unexpected health benefits.

It is common knowledge that magnesium is an important element needed by the human body. However, many people have a magnesium deficiency and do not even know this. Magnesium is so important because it helps the body manage the levels of sodium, potassium, and calcium. Some of the important functions of magnesium include:

  • Helping over 300 enzyme reactions occur
  • Aiding in relaxing the muscles and preventing muscle and joint pain
  • Assisting in stabilizing insulin and blood sugar
  • Maintaining heart health
  • Balancing hormones for women and men
  • Helping to manage different moods

Magnesium oil is not really an oil. It feels slippery like oil, which is how it got this name; however, what it actually is, is a solution of water and magnesium chloride pieces. It is possible to buy this item pre-made, but it is much cheaper for someone to make it themselves. It is relatively easy if the right ingredients are on hand and there are easy-to-follow instructions available. A list of ingredients and step-by-step instructions can be found further down in this article.

Magnesium supplements are quite popular. Although, it is better for the body to make a magnesium oil solution that can be absorbed through the skin. This will ensure that the right amount is absorbed by the body. Of course, making magnesium oil is also cheaper than buying pills, just as it is cheaper than buying magnesium oil.

Magnesium has been acknowledged to be very important for several years. This has made it widely recognized as one of the most important dietary supplements. Various government organizations have strongly encouraged Americans to take in more magnesium, but an estimated 75 percent of Americans do not actually take in enough magnesium on a regular basis.

Many health-conscious people have tried to get more magnesium by eating kale, walnuts, and other foods that are known to have a great deal of magnesium. However, as previously mentioned, magnesium is best absorbed through the skin, not orally. This is true even if someone is eating food with a lot of magnesium rather than taking magnesium pills. Some of the benefits of magnesium oil applied topically can be found below.

Helps with Migraines

Magnesium is very good for migraines. In fact, some scientists believe that having too little magnesium is actually a risk factor for migraines. Research has found that people who deal with migraines often have magnesium deficiencies, although a direct causative link has not necessarily been established. Still, there is enough evidence to suggest that it can be good for people who have migraines and severe headaches. Those who experience migraines should try spraying magnesium oil on the shoulders, neck and upper back and massage it into the skin.

Improves Skin Complexion

Magnesium can even improve the skin's complexion. When topically applied, magnesium oil breaks apart fats and oils. This can help reduce skin oiliness. This, in turn, can reduce the severity and occurrence of acne breakouts. There is even some evidence to suggest that magnesium is good for eczema and rosacea. Simply pump one to three sprays of the magnesium oil into a cupped hand and thoroughly rub it into affected areas of the skin once a day.

Helps with a Better Night’s Sleep

Another thing that magnesium is great for is getting a better night's sleep. Magnesium can relax receptors within the nervous system and the brain. This can help someone feel calm and slow down the body and mind. As a result, this relaxation can induce sleep. People who are dealing with serious insomnia and who have tried everything else may want to give magnesium a shot. Try rubbing magnesium oil onto the skin right before bedtime.

Relieves PMS Symptoms

One of the most surprising benefits of magnesium oil is that it can help relieve unpleasant Premenstrual Syndrome symptoms. Magnesium has been proven to decrease the pain and bloating that are often associated with PMS symptoms. There are many chemicals on the market that can reduce the discomfort from PMS, but magnesium is natural and good for the body. Women can increase their magnesium intake in an effort to alleviate PMS symptoms or rub a bit of magnesium oil on their arms when they start to feel dizzy, irritable or bloated or experience cramps.

Reduces Stress

Magnesium that occurs in the body is known to be burned during times of stress, so it is associated with reducing stress. This is another benefit of magnesium that is not well understood yet, but it is generally agreed on that magnesium does help decrease levels of stress and anxiety. To help relieve stress and anxiety, magnesium oil can be sprayed onto the arms, legs or abdomen and then gently rubbed into the skin to be fully absorbed. A bath or a foot soak featuring magnesium chloride and some essential oils can also be very relaxing.

Helps Lower Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a very common problem in Western countries. Using magnesium has been found to lower blood pressure a little bit. It does not lower blood pressure a great deal, so it is not a good idea to try and use magnesium by itself to combat high blood pressure. However, it can be used as part of a holistic approach to lowering blood pressure in a healthy way. After a shower, spray magnesium oil directly onto the skin, massage it in to promote blood flow and leave it to absorb for at least 30 minutes.

Supports Diabetes

Diabetes is another serious problem that is often associated with poor diet. Many people who have diabetes, especially poorly treated or untreated diabetes, are at very low magnesium levels. It's been suggested that those affected by diabetes may need more than twice the recommended daily allowance of magnesium, which is 350 to 400 milligrams a day. These individuals may consider both oral magnesium supplements and applying magnesium oil to their skin after a shower.

Provides Oral Health Support

Magnesium can even help oral health. It helps the body absorb calcium, which is important to the health of teeth. Of course, it is also important to the health of bones throughout the body. This is yet another benefit of magnesium that is important to people who don't have the best diet. Many people who have poor diets also have poor oral health, so magnesium is very important to help these people achieve good oral health.

To keep teeth healthy, spray several pumps of magnesium oil directly into the mouth and hold it there for several minutes before spitting. Magnesium powder can also be dissolved in water and swished around the mouth daily to help improve oral health.

Natural Deodorant

Magnesium has been used as a natural deodorant for many years. It has been scientifically proven to minimize body odor. Many people like to add a natural oil like lavender to magnesium and make their own natural deodorants. Deodorants available in stores are often expensive and have harmful chemicals, so individuals can use natural deodorant instead.

Magnesium Oil Spray Recipe

Those who are interested in making their own magnesium oil to take advantage of all the health benefits listed in this article can find ingredients and instructions below.



  1. The first step in making magnesium oil is to bring the half cup of distilled water to a boil in a pan. It is important to not use an aluminum pan. An aluminum pan can end up contaminating the magnesium oil.
  2. Once the distilled water has been brought to a boil, the next step is to pour the water carefully into the measuring cup. It is a good idea to use a glass or heavy-duty plastic measuring cup. A light plastic measuring cup may melt under the heat. Another thing to keep in mind is that this water is boiling hot, so it can quickly burn skin if the person making the magnesium oil is not careful.
  3. The next step is to add the magnesium chloride flakes carefully to the hot water. At this step of the process, some people may worry about a violent natural reaction happening when the magnesium chloride hits the water. Fortunately, that does not happen with this substance. The flakes should begin to dissolve right away.
  4. At this point, people making magnesium oil may want to add the aloe gel. The aloe gel is not 100 percent necessary, but it can help the magnesium oil be more soothing on the skin.
  5. Once the magnesium flakes and aloe are in the liquid, it is important that they are stirred until totally dissolved.
  6. The next step is to pour the solution carefully into the spray bottle. A funnel may come in handy, or a measuring cup with a spout will suffice. Once the solution has been completely poured, close up the bottle and store it in a cool place so it can cool down to a usable temperature.

When applying the magnesium oil, all that must be done is spray or spread a thin film over the skin. Magnesium oil is potent, so only a little needs to be used. It may be a good idea to start with a relatively small amount and increase the amount slowly.

It is also important that anyone who makes magnesium oil knows how to use it properly. People who aren't used to using magnesium oil may be surprised when it tingles. Magnesium oil is strong, so some tingling is normal. It is a good idea to avoid thin-skinned areas of the body like the back of the knee, the neck, and the elbows when using this oil. It is also best not to apply magnesium oil to areas that have just been shaved. People using magnesium oil should wait at least 24 hours after shaving.

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